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Do you want to know more about our school? Enjoy our daily tips, latest developments and news.

Strategies to be successful in school

The academic success of your child depends on a positive partnership between both parents and educators. Engagement is key in making sure your child is happy and thriving! Read the advice three experts have shared to help your child succeed, from those related to homework to others regarding food, ways of stimulating intelligence and managing grade expectations.

How to prepare a healthy lunchbox

What should children eat during their break? A lack of time can often be frustrating for families especiallly when they find themselves making unhealthier snack options for their child. However, planning easy and nutritious snacks for school can be a piece of cake. Here are a few tips.

Back to school time made easier: tips

Usually, going back to school implies getting to know new places, making new friends and creating new habits. The secret is to plan ahead, calmly. Here are a few tips by APSI, an association to promote children’s safety, so that being back to school runs smoothly and is a great experience for children and parents alike.

Air travel with children, stress-free

During the holidays, travels are part of many families’ plans. Air travel with children can be challenging, as they get bored and restless. Here are a few strategies to make travelling a breeze, before, during and after your flight.

10 reasons to stop shouting at your children

Sometimes, the little ones like to try our patience. Keeping calm is essential. Breathe, count to 10 and find out a few good reasons to not shout at your children.

Five pieces of advice to raise good children, according to Harvard

A psychologist from Harvard University gives a few hints so that parents can raise their children to be nice, responsible and caring young people and adults. Are you curious? Get to know the five pieces of advice Richard Weissbourd would like to give you.

Children and the sun: you can never be too careful

Summer is here, and so is the will to swim. However, the sun, despite all of its benefits - like being a source of vitamin D, essential for healthy bones - can also be an enemy. Here are a few tips to protect the little ones’ skin.

Are parents obsessed with cleaning?

Brett Finlay, co-author of book “Let them eat dirt”, is a professor of microbiology at the University of British Columbia, in Canada, and warns against the risk of a super-clean world and antibiotic abuse. He also speaks about the role the microbiota plays in a child’s development.

Dramatic expression and cinema

Expressive education is fundamental for a healthy development. It promotes creativity and the ability to communicate by increasing self-confidence, also contributing to the physical and emotional well-being. AS FORMIGAS is a pedagogical project of the dramatic expression and cinema lessons, where pupils learn how to act, to create stories and to film them.
In the Colégio Luso-Suíço, this activity is open to pupils from other schools.

6 Halloween crafts with recycled materials

Halloween is a North American tradition, but we also love to play with monsters and ghosts! Here are a few hints for fun decorations using recycled materials. The little ones will definitely love these!

A school that plays, jumps and dances

Can schools be friendlier places to work out? They can, and they should be. How can schools make physical activity easier? Read what Pedro Teixeira has to say, as a teacher of the Faculty of Human Kinetics in Lisbon.

Eduardo Sá explains “why smart kids get bad grades”

In his most recent book, "Querida Mãe”, the clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst Eduardo Sá talks about how mothers feel the pressure to be “perfect” and analyses the pupils’ intelligence and their stimuli in the classroom. He states that «Every child is born as a highly sensitive human being, who is attentive, intuitive and smart, but parents struggle to adapt to that “sponge” who is highly skilled for cognitive resources».

Did you know that playing the piano stimulates learning?

More than musical skills, playing the piano helps develop other areas, such as mathematical calculation and verbal communication. Our pupils have access to weekly piano lessons so that they can use their very own hands to bring out their skills and talent. For more information, please get in touch with the school office.


Mondays and Wednesdays are Capoeira days at the Colégio Luso-Suíço. From 16:30 to 17:30, our pupils can learn how to practise this sport that combines dance and rhythm in a fun way. For more information, please get in touch with the school office.

“Children need to have the freedom to not do anything”

Álvaro Bilbao is a Doctor in Health Psychology by the University of Deusto, in Bilbao, Spain. In his recent book, "The child´s brain explained to parents", he uses neuropsychology and pedagogy to let us know how to improve our children’s education.
«We don’t need to do 25 different things during the weekend, we can just spend the weekend doing NOTHING. To spend time at home, to go for a walk. When we focus on consuming, children are under the impression that everything happens really fast, that they always have to be busy and happy. One of the first things we can do is to give children the freedom and the confidence to be able to not do anything. It is also important to not put too much emphasis on the results. We can pass the ball around without scoring a goal.»

Swimming lessons have numerous benefits

Apart from being fun, they improve your posture, your cardiovascular fitness and your breathing. In the Colégio Luso-Suíço, our pupils can learn how to swim and perfect their technique! They will be in their element when they are in the water. For more information, please get in touch with the school office.

Does your child love to wear a tutu and to show off his or her dancing skills?

Now is the time to master that talent! Ballet is one of our extracurricular activities, with pre-school and primary school lessons. For more information, please get in touch with the school office.